Live Workshop – Somatics, The Body Experienced from Within and How to Express Ourselves Confidently

This event took place on Saturday, October 15 and is no longer available.

Please join me and my guests Pamela Ziemann, international book winner and author of “Giving Voice to Your Cause” and Daniel Webster, creator of the Charisma Formula.

Pamela ZiemannPamela will present:

How to use less effort to be more effective as a speaker when you are communicating.

Humor, storytelling, authenticity, and passion give you the power to engage listeners. And engaged listeners are more likely to take action on your behalf.

In this workshop, you’ll learn to develop your personal story, tell it with passion, and use your voice to draw people in.

You’ll also learn how to think on your feet so you can respond to tough questions with solid, confident answers.

We’ve got a 5-step process to make sure you can.

Spark a connection with your listener by being:
• personal and personable,
• authentic about yourself and your cause
• ready and able to deal with doubts.

Whether you’re speaking to one person or to one thousand, your unique voice has a sweet spot. When you tap into it, people will listen to you and want to help your cause. Your passion will become their passion.

For those who speak for your nonprofit or social enterprise, you will learn to:

• Externalize their passion and inspire others to action;
• Use tone of voice to get people’s attention;
• Speak with authenticity and confidence;
• Emotionally connect, build trust, and cultivate meaningful donor relationships;
• Respond to challenges and answer questions.

Daniel WebsterDaniel’s topic is:

The Science of Yourself
Exploring the outer edges of your inner space

“An inside-out look at the world”

Join us and acquire the meaningful understanding and insight into “How you work”, more specifically how you think, how you feel and where you put your focus and how these parts of you interact with the world around you.

We will look at how these combine to form our experience of reality and thus our sense of wellbeing or our sense of struggle.

With these key concepts we will dive deeper into the part of your true nature/ your personal charisma, a place where you can discover more clarity, more strength and resilience that is already inherent inside of you. These concepts will help generate:

A Mind/Body at Rest
• More mental horsepower
• More creativity
• A greater “Power of Presence”
• The reservoir of our potential
• Stress resiliency

A sense of your OK-ness
• Letting our Personal Charisma out of the bag
• Getting out of our own way with calmness
• A Life as an effortless journey

Daniel Webster, a trainer, speaker and the creator of the Charisma Formula has been sharing the collection of his findings from his inquisitive journeys around the world. He continues to enjoy his life- long study of psychology and how we humans experience our unique realities in our search for happiness. He feels deeply enriched when he can share and learn with his audiences collectively about who we really are and how we can evolve further into our true nature and personal charisma.

And then yours truly will present:

Ed BarreraThe Power of Pandiculation

Move like an Animal Again and Be Free Using Less Effort in our Body

Moving like an animal again as we did as babies in our mother wombs offers a key to un-lock stiffness, immobility, and loss of flexibility as we age.

In the class, you will learn:

• How your inner awareness leads to radiant health and well-being
• Why moving like an animal again restores our living movement system & refocuses our thoughts & emotions
• What compensatory habits distort us and what we can do to self-correct naturally

All it takes is 3 Easy Steps to Be Comfortable in your body and create your own neurochemicals of relaxation, instantly.

Using the One Big Muscle

The brain’s gateway to using our body naturally and keeping it in shape is why
the brain is the one big muscle to recalibrate all the rest of our 600 muscles.

Natural self-correction and updating our movement software is like flossing our joints.

• A flexible body, a flexible mind with more range in emotion;
• A mobile body, more mobility in thought & possibilities;
• An aware body moves which responds with confidence.

Ed Barrera is a Hanna Somatic Educator® with over 10 years of experience, helping people find natural pain relief through somatics exercises which are the reverse to most approaches since it is brain exercise and muscle lengthening that targets the brain’s motor cortex which leads to a healthy, fully-functional body. It’s not just “alternative medicines” or “an alternative to exercise”; it’s natural pain relief that actually works!

To understand the somatic definition, visit our What is Somatics? page, where we define somatic and explain more about somatics and how the proper somatics information will help you direct your “being” toward natural healing and pain relief.