Differentiated movement patterns provide a key to unlock yourself from whatever repetitive, compensated motions, exercises or the lack thereof you no longer engage in.
Since no two people have the same structure, let alone movement patterns, history of injuries, etc. We find ourselves subject to the very movement habits we’ve learned and continue to practice.
Without changing those patterns, you can just run yourself into the ground.
Running or lifting more, doesn’t do anything to increase the intelligence of your movement. Challenging the diversity in your movement changes the nature of how well you can articulate your joints or move your spine.
Somatic Exercises work with your brain since your brain thrives on novelty. It’s in this novelty that we approach this system of movement with differentiation or diversification of your movement portfolio.
If you think of movement as a system, your brain needs different stimulus until it finally integrates the work or explorations of your movement into a more cohesive movement system which can be changed or updated at any age.
Somatics moves into the specificity of your motor-sensory system so that you’re able to re-program your capacity and potential to move as effectively as you can.
At some point, you have to create and plan your movements, then you practice until they get stored as learned patterns so you no longer have to think about it.
Think About This
If we stop playing in this natural realm of evolving our movement patterns, are we bringing the entropy and decline within ourselves at a greater rate?
As children, no one had to tell us to move.
As adults, we are a nation of overweight, couch potatoes ever limiting our movements to a desk, office, room, automobile, and possibly sitting in front of a television set for hours at a time.
Your brain is getting wasted in terms of its capacity to grow via movement and the conscious use of the motor-sensory system. We are putting the brakes on our own evolutionary process in terms of the ability of our joints, the movement of our muscles, and the usefulness of our bones.
How are we going to improve our movement portfolio?
You can’t get there by sitting there, nor can you improve by repeating the same patterns over and over.
OK, you could visualize movements or do them with incredibly subtlety in the manner of many somatic traditions which focuses on sensory awareness and different ways to move.
When you have to closely pay attention to your movements with a conscious awareness, then you are engaging in the process of voluntary movement which is rather complex.
Look at how these muscles are grouped as a system.
This system and the overlapping systems need to used, refreshed, and rested appropriately for long term health.
With injuries (small and large) or the same posturing day in and day out, this can continue to further our decline and decreases the value of your movement portfolio.
We can keep moving the way we always have or you can pay attention to your movements with a keener awareness which affords you a glimpse into the many different ways you can manipulate yourself and do so comfortably.
If you don’t, your brain will just check out and leave the possibilities in the dust bin leading to an eroding value in your movement’s funds.
Creating and recreating new neural pathways leads your brain towards health, vibrancy and it’s need to continue to learn.
You’ve got 600 muscles which require use or some attention among the various levels even if it means simply giving attention to your hamstrings and how they relate to the various layers of your muscles and movement system.
Yes! If you’re paying attention as you once did as a child by sensing your movements and being delighted by the sheer feelings of movement itself.
It’s a shame and a sham that many adults can no longer feel truly comfortable for any length of time.
I often hear of the aches and complaints of why I can’t do this or that or I gotta get in better shape. The answer is simple and lies within us.
So if you go back to the well of where things began, that is on the floor and go back to the natural process of restoration. Your brain can re-wire, re-adapt itself, and you can continue your evolutionary process of well-being even if things have gone a little south over time.
Who knows? You may even increase the value of your movement portfolio so you won’t remain sedentary, desk-bound, home bound, injury ridden and add to decay.
Evolve, Evolve, Evolve Otherwise Decay at Your Own Peril
You can utilize the brain in a conscious, differentiated manner so you can move easily and freely with patterns your brain is perfecting and changing.
Diversify your movement portfolio and imagine the wealth and vitality you can live with since the brain is changeable.
Somatics exercises uses a natural movement process (that we’ve known about since the time of Aristotle) in which today you play with conscious differentiated movement patterns that we’ve mapped out. It may be just the thing you can do to remain vital.
Diversify your movement portfolio and find out for yourself what can happen.