Brain Exercise and Pain
The brain is an instrument to use and tap into in order to change the signal of pain.
Certain movements or exercises which target the brain. Help heal issues in the tissues such as back pain, stiffness and stress.
Movements systems such as somatics exercises. Targets the brain’s sensory-motor cortex and nervous system. This changes tension levels so the body feels more in control and comfortable.
According to Norman Doidge author of The Brain that Changes Itself. “Easy, gentle movements gives the brain and the body the health we desire”.
Healing Begins
The ability to heal can begin when we have a conscious thought. About the quality and nature of movement itself.
The intention of how you move, activates the brain’s cortex.
This type of brain-body exercise is where you closely observe. Or use your awareness.
To either feel or see what happens in your body as a result of following your intention to move.
Lessen stiffness and improve flexibility with the brain
Brain fitness is all the rage using computers or software. Yet the brain software you have can be molded with easy, simple movements.
This affects the movement system of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones. The fascia and the conductor of the information; the nervous system.
Using the little known process of a pandiculation. The brain can reprogram how the muscles and movement system functions. It does this by changing tension levels back to comfort.
This key is important so you can regain cortical control. This helps to resolve back pain, lessen stiffness, and improve flexibility for starters.
Stress lessens with practice. Your brain gets better so you can recover faster.
Often, I call our approach un-exercise. Since it is the complete reverse to most exercise programs out there.
You see you can target the brain’s motor cortex. Instead of the cerebellum which is what many physical exercises focus upon.
This cortically brain based system rewires the nervous system. That way you can confidently sense and feel your way to wake-up both the brain and body to healthy living.
See, this stems from using your intention. By paying attention to your intention during a movement pattern.
This is important.
Here’s why.
The intention to move itself is significant and is an integral part of getting the brain to change the body. This gives you the ability to use your intelligence and the power of your brain to feel different.
Brain exercise is the difference in brain power
The brain thrives on novelty. Somatics exercises uses gentle differentiating movement patterns. This wakes up the brain (and nervous system) which improves the body.
This allows the brain to regenerate itself. And facilitates greater mobility, flexibility and awareness in everyday life.
Signals of pain and pleasure are generating from the brain.
When you live with pain, it's as if the brain has gone haywire.
So it is vital to continue to work with your brain and body. To maintain better function and return to comfort once the brain no longer is in haywire mode.
Brain Gone Haywire with Pain
Watch the video on the brain and pain.
So as you can see, there are any number of factors which can amp up pain.
For instance, the thoughts you use are a gateway to an ability to relieve back pain. And heal other issues in the tissues such as stress or tension.
And interestingly enough, thoughts are now considered to be movement in the brain.
By tending to the brain, you can relieve neuroinflammation and reverse neurodegeneration. Thus, the issues in the tissues begin to abate and your left feeling renewed and revitalized.
With a systematic approach, you can increase your potential to heal even as you age.
The brain is malleable and can change.
Neural plasticity and the concepts of neurogenesis are now a fact.
You can change the brain. And thereby improve well-being even in difficult circumstances.
We do that through changing sensory-motor feedback loops.
Signals in your body feedback to you. This gives you the opportunity to reset and resolve pain and other issues in the tissues.
By rewiring the nervous system. The signals you send to the muscles and movement system help you move and feel better.
When this happens people will say they can alleviate pain with a little self know-how.
Programming the Brain is the Most Important
Part of All Exercise
Re-programming the brain and body is fundamental to moving and living well.
Mel Siff, who wrote Facts and Fallacies of Fitness said:
"Programming your central nervous system is more important than aerobics and strength training... In fact, it must never be neglected. It is the most important part of all exercise."
So it’s vital to include reprogramming the brain as an important part of daily life. This helps keep us agile and in balance throughout life.
Ed Barrera is a Hanna Somatic Educator®, H.S.E., Holistic Health Advisor, H.H.A., Muscle Balance & Function Development Trainer, M.B.F.
Author of Move Like an Animal: Feel Comfortable, Move Well for Life in 3 Simple Steps. Amazon Bestseller in Pain Management & Aging.
Latest book: The 1 Thing to Do to Relieve Pain, Stiffness, Tension & Stress: When You've Tried Everything Else.
Ed lived with chronic pain and fibromyalgia in his 20's & 30's. So he appreciates the long road out. He can help shortcut the way back to feeling comfortable for life.
Ed has over 20 years of experience, helping people find natural pain relief with somatics exercises which are the complete reverse to most approaches. We use conscious gentle body movements that targets the brain’s motor cortex. This resets the nervous system, and provides deeper states of relaxation which leads to a healthy, fully-functional body.
In an nutshell. It's (sensory) motor control exercises/movement (MCE). Mindful-based stress reduction (MBSR). And progressive relaxation all rolled into one. Where now the American College of Physicians (ACP) are saying is "the first thing to do relieve pain".
Muscle lengthening, recovery, relaxation and neuro-muscular control are restored by this "alternative to exercise” approach. Plus, it's natural pain relief that actually works!