Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) is a term used to describe a loss of control, feelings or sensations around certain muscles.
It's as if we no longer remember how a certain area
Ever feel like your body, brain or mind is close to the tipping point when it comes to pain?
Small injuries or minor physical setbacks might not seem like a big
Feeling good is your natural birthright.
Yet as we age our share of aches, bumps, dings, stiff feelings and various types of pain can add up depending upon our circumstances and
When Larry retired 4 years ago, he developed tightness and stiffness… actually it was going on before that in his lower back.
Watch what Larry had to say about doing the
Many years ago I saw a squirrel fall out of a tree and like humpty dumpty put herself back together again.
This extraordinary act happened during the course of my training
Does Fido understand the art of movement better than us?
The Art of Movement Loosens Stiffness
Aging seems to come with a price of more stiffness, less mobility and flexibility which is
The art of letting go
Letting go of tight, restricted, stiff, tense muscles is easier said than done.
While the advice to just let go sounds like a good idea, our muscles
Better walking by not walking?
I remember when I could barely walk 50 feet and my shoulders would sear in pain and my ongoing tight back… well it would simply stiffen
I'm talking about proprioception. Maybe pro-prio-cep is a lame attempt at talking like our teenagers.
How we sense ourselves in the very field of gravity we all live in