Back Pain Relief 24/7 – Better than a Hot Tub

Better than a Hot TubWhy live with back pain when we can do something by our self to get the back pain relief we need, when we need it.

Simple, easy gentle movements change the brain. By changing the brain, we can directly change the comfort levels of our back muscles which many of us have experienced with great displeasure.

The constant, gnawing, seizing signals I lived with in my 20’s and 30’s didn’t give me any moments of significant back pain relief, it was just grief.


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“Learn to live it” was the motto I heard and bought into.

Whadya gonna do about back pain relief?

Like many people I tried a number of approaches… the hot tub “was” one of my favorites.

The heating pad, those ice packets and tens units didn’t get the job done. Nor did the pain meds either.

Well, what did I know. I had no idea I could use the brain to change those discomforting signals to finally feel the back pain relief I thought I deserved while having fibromyalgia to contend with.

Those recalcitrant and tight back muscles didn’t wanna seem to budge other than remaining taught with tension.

All the lathering of tiger balm, icy hot and other gels while soothing couldn’t shake the beast of living with chronic tightness.

Heck, even the stretching routines I had learned… would not solve the riddle. But what did I know. I had no idea that stretching was compounding the problem as today’s research points the fallacy of this method. Who knew the back pain relief I truly wanted was not to come by stretching.

Back Pain Relief Class

Shifting our internal state of discomfort can be remedied when use the brain’s ability to reset the resting levels of our muscles so we can truly feel the back pain relief we think is possible.

This is well within our natural ability. It’s a matter of getting back on track through a learning process which somatics exercises are the avenue for.

A systematic approach of un-doing muscular tension and un-locking tigthness, inflexibility and the rigiidty our back muscles have accumulated shifts with simple, easy movement done with a particular kind of awareness.

To experience this simplicity, you can join us for our online back pain relief class where you’ll learn 35 movements to free up both the lower back and the upper back.

Your brain is better and more effective than a hot tub. These natural sets of tools are available 24/7 for back pain relief.

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    Edward Barrera
    Edward Barrera

    Hi I'm Ed Barrera, founder of Gravity Werks and Hanna Somatic Educator. I teach people how to overcome physical pain, reduce muscular stress & tension, and recover quickly from injury using safe, simple, natural tools known as somatics exercises where we use the brain to change our muscles back to comfort so we can confidently do what we want again with our body. As someone who lived in chronic pain (diagnosed with fibromyalgia) in my 20's & 30's, it's my pleasure to offer simple tools which allow us to remain pain free, be less stiff, have mobile & healthy joints and give us the ability to be comfortable as we age. Each week I offer live and recorded online (audio) classes to compliment the full online programs where people can overcome back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, leg, arm, jaw, etc. pain. When we change our brain, we change our body so we can live pain-free and move easily at any age.