Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat. (The firmer the surface the better. But it’s OK to do this in bed too.)
Arm out away from your sides at shoulder height or lower.
Bend the arm so the palm faces towards the feet.
Shoulder Move 1

Then bring one arm forwards towards the floor.
As if the wrist can touch the floor.
Caution: If discomfort or pain turns up. Then do not move beyond that point. It’s better if you stay under any troubling signal.

Then s-l-o-w-l-y bring it back to where you started.
If you notice or feel any SMA (sensory-motor amnesia). That’s generally a good thing. Since that is what you can use to help reset tension levels back to comfort.
Do that a few times.
Next is to reverse course to check how your shoulder moves and feels in the opposite direction.
Shoulder Move 2

Move the arm back as if the wrist (or back of the hand) can touch the floor.
Remember to stay well within your comfort zone.
Slowly release.
Rinse and repeat a few times.
These type of movements have been considered or are used as rotator cuff exercises.
Here are some of the muscles involved with the Rotator Cuff.
But… We go a little deeper with our Somatics approach of experiencing the body from within.
Checking In at a Deeper Level
As you moved the arm forwards.
Could you feel how the shoulder moved forwards to get the wrist towards the floor (or even touch it)?
Could you feel how a part of the chest contracted to help move the shoulders forwards?
As you s-l-o-w-l-y let go.
Could you feel how the shoulder moved (or chest let go) and felt as you slowly released it back? Was it smooth or a little ratchety?
Did you notice or feel how the collar bone moved? If you didn’t. Place your other hand on the collar bone on the same side of the bent arm.
Then move the arm and feel what happens underneath your fingers. Can you feel the collar bone moving?
And… Could you feel or notice how the belly was involved as you brought the arm forwards?
Did you feel or notice the back moving backwards towards the floor?
Did you feel your head move? Or was it stuck to the surface?
And… did you feel any weight shift in your feet?
See. This is how we go a little deeper in sensing what connections are possible to feel.
Or notice as we do a simple (or hard for some) movement.
The more you know in how or what you feel as you do small movements.
This opens the gate for greater comfort when we go big.
How you are internally connected. Opens the door that you can be aware of.
And use to your advantage to move comfortably for life.