At Victoria’s University School of Sports and Exercise Science in Australia, James Zois sees the same epidemic I’ve been raving and kindly reminding you about – stop stretching!

“Too many athletes still use the counterproductive technique of static stretching during the warm-up”

Poor Guy StretchingSome people keep on stretching and are wedded to the concept.

Look at this poor guy stretching

By attempting to stretch his hip flexor, he’s actually tightening his hamstrings, the muscles behind the leg.

He might be even contracting his back muscles to be able to get that foot to the buttocks.

Maybe he can still sit on his heels, but the point is… a stretch such as this is still done at professional levels and worse, high schools and even middle schools kids are being led down this lazy and counter-productive route.

Lazy on account of research moving on. Athletes do not need this to warm-up.

Divorce Counselor for Stretching

As a divorce counselor for stretching… you can rest easy, there are other ways to lengthen muscles and warm them up.

For instance, healthy vertebrate animals aren’t stretching either. It’s not what you think.

They consciously contract and then release themselves.

By refocusing your attention on what muscles are designed to do, that is to contract, we can reset them and ready them at the same time.

Stretching is Over

Leave it to the folks who’ll continue to argue about it saying it makes them feel good rather than understanding it’s a waste of time and we can use our intelligence to reset things rather than pulling us apart.

Even for us 50 year olds, stretching is over.

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Edward Barrera
Edward Barrera

Hi I'm Ed Barrera, founder of Gravity Werks and Hanna Somatic Educator. I teach people how to overcome physical pain, reduce muscular stress & tension, and recover quickly from injury using safe, simple, natural tools known as somatics exercises where we use the brain to change our muscles back to comfort so we can confidently do what we want again with our body. As someone who lived in chronic pain (diagnosed with fibromyalgia) in my 20's & 30's, it's my pleasure to offer simple tools which allow us to remain pain free, be less stiff, have mobile & healthy joints and give us the ability to be comfortable as we age. Each week I offer live and recorded online (audio) classes to compliment the full online programs where people can overcome back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, leg, arm, jaw, etc. pain. When we change our brain, we change our body so we can live pain-free and move easily at any age.

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